At the end of 2020, when the world was experiencing a once in a century pandemic, Eggleston Services quietly joined forces with ScansAmerica. Over the past 3 years, ScansAmerica has been slowly integrating into the Eggleston Family as one of its daughter companies. We here at ScansAmerica are thrilled to be a part of a wonderful organization with such a long and rich history! So here are 3 ways that using ScansAmerica's services supports the Eggleston Mission.
1. Every Dollar ScansAmerica Earns Goes Directly To Eggleston
As a daughter company, the finances of ScansAmerica are directly linked to Eggleston Services. Eggleston has a diversified way of collecting income in order to provide their many resources to the Hampton Roads community, but adding ScansAmerica to their roster provides an additional revenue stream. So every time you use ScansAmerica's services, you are directly helping the veterans, seniors, and persons with disabilities here in the Hampton Roads community.
2. ScansAmerica Is Providing Job Opportunities To Veterans And Persons With Disabilities
ScansAmerica not only provides excellent document conversion services for your business and government needs, but we are beginning to employ the very people that Eggleston is on mission to support! Veterans and persons with disabilities benefit by receiving on the job training and employment opportunities to further support their independence and daily living needs. So, when you use ScansAmerica for your digital conversion, you are directly providing employment opportunities to those in need.
3. Eggleston Is Learning From Us Too!
The partnership between Eggleston and ScansAmerica has been steadily growing for the past three years. Eggleston has provided for ScansAmerica through it's strong leadership, but ScansAmerica is teaching things to Eggleston too! As a for-profit company with over 15 years of history, ScansAmerica has been able to pass on much of it's knowledge about document conversion and commercial experience. This has been very beneficial to Eggleston as they look to grow in order to provide even more services in Hampton Roads.
If you would like to support Eggleston's Mission by using ScansAmerica's services, click here to receive a free quote.
If you would like to directly donate to Eggleston's Mission, click here to visit their website.
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